HRD & GA Officer
* Female, age max 28 years old
* Education min Bachelor Degree (S1) Psychology
* Having experience as HRD Staff (recruitment, training, insurance and personnel administration) & GA
* Mastering system administration/filling skill
* Willing to be placed at Kalimatan project site
* Male/Female, age max 30 years old
* Education D3/S1 in any major
* Having experience as sales/marketing in property/bank
* Good looking and having a vast network
* Willing to be placed at Samarinda-Balikpapan-Banjarmasin-Makassar-Jambi-Pekalongan
Send your complete CV and recent photograph to :
HRD Ciputra Group
Up : Mariska Johannes
Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 6
Jakarta 12940
by email to : hrd@ciputra.com